In the priority area "Dynamics of Cellular Processes", 12 participating chairs and research groups investigate fundamental biochemical and molecular biological reactions in different eukaryotic and prokaryotic systems such as plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms. The aim is to understand and, if necessary, modulate the functional interactions of the molecular cell components that control complex cellular processes and allow dynamic adaptations to changing conditions.
In the priority area of functional biodiversity research, the focus is on the diversity of living things. The five participating chairs and working groups focus on research into the diversity of organisms from the molecular to the ecosystem level, on the evolution and ecology of fungi, plants and animals, and on the influence of humans on biodiversity and biodiversity loss.
In the research area of protein research and biotechnology, the role of proteins and RNA molecules in controlling biological processes and the possibilities of using them for biocatalysis are investigated. In doing so, the participating chairs and research groups use a broad spectrum of bioinformatics, molecular biological, biochemical and biophysical methods to investigate questions ranging from basic research to translation into medicine or biotechnology. Findings from investigations at the atomic and molecular level are transferred to the level of cells and organisms to understand complex physiological processes.
Prof. Dr. Marc Nowaczyk
Molecular mechanisms of photosynthesis
Prof. Dr. Till Rudack
Biomolecular simulations and theoretical biophysics
NDEF 04/253
phone: +49 234 32 22236
Prof. Dr. Ansgar Poetsch
Biological mass spectrometry
Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. habil. Hanns Hatt
ND 4/35
Tel.: +49 (234) 32-26792
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kück
Allgemeine und Molekulare Botanik
NI 06/0280
Tel.: +49 (234) 32-28951
Prof. Dr. Matthias Rögner
Biochemie der Pflanzen
ND 04/173
Tel.: +49 (234) 32-25067
Prof. Dr. Günter Schaub
Zoologie und Parasitologie
Tel.: +49 (234) 32-24587
Apl. Prof. Dr. Winfried Bennert
Evolutionsökologie und Biodiversität der Pflanzen
Prof. Dr. Richard Berzborn
Immunchemie energietransformierender Membranen
Prof. Dr. Volker Blüm
Vergleichende Endokrinologie
Prof. Dr. Günther Boheim
Prof. Dr. Helfried Glitsch
Prof. Dr. Henning Haeupler
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Klaus-Peter Hoffmann
Allgemeine Zoologie und Neurobiologie
ehemalige Internetseite:
ND 5/26
Tel.: +49 (234) 32-28362
Prof. Dr. Dietrich-Kurt Hofmann
Entwicklungsphysiologie der Tiere
ND 04/175
Tel.: +49-(0)234-32-25578
Fax: +49-(0)234-32-14185
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Link
Pflanzliche Zellphysiologie und Molekularbiologie
Kontakt über das Dekanat Biologie und Biotechnologie möglich
ehemalige Internetseite:
Prof. Dr. Hermann Lübbert
ehemalige Internetseite: Tierphysiologie
Prof. Dr. Hans Machemer
Zelluläre Erregungsphysiologie
Prof. Dr. Reinhold Necker
Prof. Dr. Walter Oettmeier
Biochemie der Pflanzen
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rüger
Molekulare Genetik
PD Dr. Jürgen Schlitter
Tel.: +49 (234) 32-25753
PD Dr. Jens-Dirk Schwenn
Biochemie der Pflanzen
Prof. Dr. August Wilhelm Steffan
Zoologie und Ökologie
Prof. Dr. Thomas Stützel
Evolution und Biodiversität der Pflanzen
ehemalige Internetseite:
Prof. Dr. Elmar Weiler